PowerPoint Creative
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PowerPoint Creative
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Maze - EIGHTH POWERPOINT CHALLENGE - Holiday Themed Mouse Maze Game! Empty EIGHTH POWERPOINT CHALLENGE - Holiday Themed Mouse Maze Game!

Sun Oct 07, 2018 4:54 pm
As we approach the end of the year, and a certain holiday keeps intruding earlier and earlier and not giving Halloween a chance, I figured lets help wrap them all together and then turn them into a PowerPoint mouse maze game, like this! Arduous Arrow Adventure - Halloween Edition

Here are the rules:

  1. The game must be posted to this sub-forum, not the main Games or Animation forums. (See the READ ME on how to post games etc).
  2. It should be an original work, produced between now and the closing date.
  3. Your game can be based on an existing mouse-maze game format, or something entirely new.
  4. It can be as simple or complex as you like.
  5. You may use VBA if you so choose, but is not required to build a mouse-maze game.
  6. The closing date for posting is around the end of December 2018.
  7. PPC Admin staff and Featured Members are eligible to participate in this challenge.
  8. This is not a competition. There are no prizes, but you might get praise and constructive feedback from staff or other members.

If you want to look pretty slick and use a template based off Arduous Arrow Adventure, check out the original Arduous Arrow Adventure!
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