PowerPoint Creative
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PowerPoint Creative
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games - Slide Master Archive | Collection of 19 Games and Learning Tools Empty Slide Master Archive | Collection of 19 Games and Learning Tools

Mon Jan 14, 2019 7:54 pm
Slide Master on Facebook - Slide Master Archive Catalog - Slide Master Archive Download

This is a collection of all the games I made in the six years I spent teaching in Korea. I recently revisited them to add some extra features and address some issues I learned to fix while I studied for PPT MOS Certification. My main goal was to make everything easier to use and share.

Open the catalog to view the details of each game. I have included all these files into a single “archive” so that you won’t need to download each file individually. Over the next few weeks I will be uploading videos describing how to use each game on my Facebook page. I'll also be making tutorial videos about some of the techniques I used when making these games soon.

I'm sorry not to include any images of the games in the post, but going through each of them to get pictures would have taken a really long time.
But here are a list of features that I think set my games apart:

  • Image and text placeholders for quick and easy editing
  • Point-based games have scoreboards for between two and six teams - (Scoreboards don't use VBA macros)
  • Use layouts, allowing for quick changes to prizes and color schemes, or easily adding new slides
  • Point-based games have layouts for randomly selecting points and power-ups - (Randomizer doesn't use VBA macros)
  • Round based games have a single round on a single slide
  • Embedded fonts requiring no extra installation (one exception: Jeopardy!)
  • Sound effects that aid playing the game
  • PowerPoint 2010 reset glitch proof
  • Most games are PowerPoint 2007 compatible, but those that aren't can be edited in 2007 and played in PowerPoint Viewer
  • Check the Slide Notes and Slide Master Archive Catalog for the compatibility of each game.

Look below the picture for each individual game or download the entire Slide Master Archive here.
games - Slide Master Archive | Collection of 19 Games and Learning Tools Pictur10
Learning Tools
Handwriting Practice
Vocabulary Practice

Super Mario Quiz Game
Super Luigi Quiz Game
Super Mario Golden Bell
Mario Kart Board Game
Super Mario Gold Rush
Sonic the Hedgehog
Golden Bell Challenge! and Golden Bell Fusion!
Sleeping Elephants
Connect Four
Four Corners
Lucky Die Word Lotto
What's Wrong? Game
Pass the Bomb! - Originally by RUFUS
Doraemon English Game - Originally by Kyle Ludeke
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