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Aspiring PPT Creator
Aspiring PPT Creator
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Join date : 2019-07-27
Location : Corfu, Greece

question - Probably a silly question, but... Empty Probably a silly question, but...

Sat Jul 27, 2019 5:50 pm
Hi guys, probably a stupid question but I'm a bit of a novice so bear with me Smile

I have created the below wheel to use during my gigs. So far I have it working fine, it stops and starts on command. What I would like though is when I click on the wheel to stop it spinning, it stops suddenly. I would like it to slow down slowly over X number of seconds instead of stopping immediately on click.

Is this even possible, and if so how can I do it? I've tried messing around with animations and VBAs but just can't figure it out.

Thanks in advance guys Smile

question - Probably a silly question, but... Lucky_10
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question - Probably a silly question, but... Empty Re: Probably a silly question, but...

Sun Jul 28, 2019 7:19 am
Hi DJ-Sammy........Welcome to the Forum!

I'm assuming you have used the spin animation on the graphic > until next click, then set it to appear on click.

I couldn't find any way of slowing down the spin to a gradual stop. I don't do VBA but someone else might have an idea.

I did find that a 'bounce end' to a spin animation looked quite good, so I'll see if I can do anything with this - it will probably require more than one spinning graphic though.

Btw - there's no such thing as a stupid question here!
Aspiring PPT Creator
Aspiring PPT Creator
Posts : 7
Join date : 2019-07-27
Location : Corfu, Greece

question - Probably a silly question, but... Empty Re: Probably a silly question, but...

Sun Jul 28, 2019 4:14 pm
Your exactly right with the animations!

I've scoured the internet and youtube for any help on making something come to a gradual stop, but it seems no one is able to do it Sad

I've tried playing around with the animations and writing VBA for it, but my VBA knowledge is basic at best so struggled with it. The best i managed was to get a slower spinning graphic appear repeatedly, but this made the stop look jerky and didn't look good when its designed to be shown to a full bar of judgmental customers. 

Aside from the gradual stop the rest of the game works perfect. Hopefully one day I will figure it out, or find someone who knows how to do it!

Btw i'm happy to share it if someone thinks they might have a use for it, or wants to play around with it to try figure it out!
Posts : 941
Join date : 2017-08-17
Location : UK

question - Probably a silly question, but... Empty Re: Probably a silly question, but...

Mon Jul 29, 2019 2:32 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Thanks for sharing!

I've just looked at GamesByTim's 'Wheel of Fortune' game. (WoF). The wheel on this game looks like it works in the same way. Tim is quite a VBA expert so I think if anyone could have made a wheel slow down as it does in the real game, it's him - but he didn't - so maybe you can't.

It seems like you've got it working well as it is - but some further experimenting might still be fun.
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question - Probably a silly question, but... Empty Re: Probably a silly question, but...

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