PowerPoint Creative
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PowerPoint Creative
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games - SURVIVAL - A series of educational games inspired by the Survivor TV show Empty SURVIVAL - A series of educational games inspired by the Survivor TV show

Tue Oct 08, 2019 3:44 am
A few months ago I was asked by a teacher in Cyprus if I could try to make some games based on the Survivor TV series for his class, who love the show. So far I have made 7 games with an 8th on the way.

I will be making them available on my website soon.

The games work on the basis that the teacher asks a question and clicks on the appropriate space or object, depending on whether the answer is correct or not.

Here are the You Tube videos of the games which I'll make public when the games are published on the website.

EDIT: Six games are now available to download from my website: powerpointgames

Last edited by johnr on Mon Oct 14, 2019 8:44 am; edited 1 time in total
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games - SURVIVAL - A series of educational games inspired by the Survivor TV show Empty Re: SURVIVAL - A series of educational games inspired by the Survivor TV show

Thu Oct 10, 2019 1:11 am
Seems like a fun way to keep track of score for class competitions. I haven't watched a lot of Survivor, but it looks like you did a good job recreating the kind of environment the show takes place at.
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