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Cursor Maze (Mouse Cursor Game 2.0) Empty Cursor Maze (Mouse Cursor Game 2.0)

Sat Sep 19, 2020 4:12 am
Cursor Maze

Cursor Maze is a PowerPoint Game with 8 levels (as of 28/9/20), consisting of lanes that you have to follow to win. Cursor Maze is currently under Beta stages and will preceded currently available Mouse Cursor Game. After the release, Mouse Cursor Game will no longer get support.


- Simple Design — Finding things will be easier than before!
- 8 Levels Available (as of 28/9/20) — So you don't get bored and we will keep adding levels and challenges!
- Load Level With Code — No need to worry anymore losing progress!
- Constant Updates — New features and improvements are coming!

So what are you waiting for? Download it now ( here)!

How to Install:

- Make sure you have PowerPoint 2016 or newer on Windows (Mac, Online, Mobile and Microsoft Teams are not supported!)
- Download the latest version in [here](https://github.com/Kygekraqmak/Cursor-Maze/releases)

Installer Version (RECOMMENDED):

- Open the `Cursor Maze Setup.exe` file
- Click `Yes` if you got the User Account Control prompt
- Accept the License
- Select the path you want to install Cursor Maze
- Click `Install`
- Launch the Cursor Maze shortcut or at `C:\Cursor Maze\Cursor Maze.ppsx` after you installed Cursor Maze
- Done! You are ready to play!

Portable Version:

- Move the `Cursor Maze Portable.zip` archive to a folder
- Extract the contents
- Launch the `Cursor Maze.ppsx` file after you extracted the archive
- Done! You are ready to play!



Note: Cursor Maze is still under Beta stages. Therefore we cannot guaranty that Cursor Maze is stable. Bugs may occasionally be found. If you want to play current stable version, please visit Mouse Cursor Game thread.

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/Kygekraqmak/Cursor-Maze

Last edited by KygekDev on Sun Sep 27, 2020 7:11 pm; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : Major description update)
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Cursor Maze (Mouse Cursor Game 2.0) Empty Re: Cursor Maze (Mouse Cursor Game 2.0)

Sat Sep 19, 2020 4:08 pm
I see you've incorporated some of the features from my Cursor Adventure game. Very Happy

It looks like a polished game, and I do like how there's multiple paths to beat some of the levels. Here what I think can use improvement.

  • The passcode system works great, though I'd add a code at the very end to load the future level 9.
  • I would differentiate the trigger buttons from the start level buttons so it doesn't confuse the user why there's a second starting area.
  • Be careful of the fade-in transition when starting levels! During the quarter second transition, it's entirely possible to quickly move the cursor to the goal, bypassing all obstacles. (I learned this the hard way when someone at school cheated through all my Cursor Adventure levels.)
Aspiring PPT Creator
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Cursor Maze (Mouse Cursor Game 2.0) Empty Re: Cursor Maze (Mouse Cursor Game 2.0)

Sat Sep 19, 2020 6:39 pm
Thanks for the feedbacks. I'll update the game soon.
Houtarou Oreki
Houtarou Oreki
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Cursor Maze (Mouse Cursor Game 2.0) Empty Re: Cursor Maze (Mouse Cursor Game 2.0)

Sun Sep 20, 2020 4:22 am
Nice and polished game. I was making a game just like this , but never finished it. Nice plain asthetics. 
My suggestion would be to add a losing screen ,cause its not challenging if you lose but still play that level again.
Besides that its very good. 
Also , i see your main menu inspiration of Minecraft  Wink
Now that you have posted it, im feeling the energy to complete my version of that game too, thanks for this game!

P.S- it worked on 2013 version( just so you know)
Aspiring PPT Creator
Aspiring PPT Creator
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Cursor Maze (Mouse Cursor Game 2.0) Empty Re: Cursor Maze (Mouse Cursor Game 2.0)

Sun Sep 20, 2020 7:09 am
Your welcome. Yes, I'm currently a Co-Owner of a Minecraft Bedrock Server.

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Cursor Maze (Mouse Cursor Game 2.0) Empty Re: Cursor Maze (Mouse Cursor Game 2.0)

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