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Join date : 2021-03-15

luck - Press your Luck Custom Squares Empty Press your Luck Custom Squares

Mon Mar 15, 2021 1:54 pm
Hi there, new to here Smile 

I was wondering if its possible to edit the scoreboard in the Press Your Luck game, as I was hoping to use it as a fun/funny way to randomly pick names for an upcoming event. I'm not super familiar with PowerPoint but I'm good at following directions. Using Power Point for Mac. Thank you Smile 

Posts : 633
Join date : 2017-08-16

luck - Press your Luck Custom Squares Empty Re: Press your Luck Custom Squares

Mon Apr 12, 2021 11:03 pm
Hi mrtaylor2112! Sorry I missed your post and just now getting to it.

Unfortunately, Press Your Luck has the prizes and squares hard-coded. This means if you could change what each square looks like, it wouldn't change what the game says you landed on. Example, say you change a $500 square to $3000, it will still give you $500 for that square. Eventually I'll rework PYL to make it more customizable, but just haven't had the time to work on my stuff for a while.
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