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PPT Master
PPT Master
Posts : 191
Join date : 2022-03-11
Location : I can presently be found at my current interdimensional coordinates.

powerpoint - Oh—kay: you're all probably going to under-bus me for this one, but "Animal Crossing: New Horizons" (Including Its "Happy Home Paradise"-DLC, Is Being Ported To PowerPoint… Empty Oh—kay: you're all probably going to under-bus me for this one, but "Animal Crossing: New Horizons" (Including Its "Happy Home Paradise"-DLC, Is Being Ported To PowerPoint…

Sat Sep 17, 2022 6:54 pm

• Select any item to edit with your left mouse-button, and then it will appear in a full-scale-PowerPoint edit-window.

• To add land to the map, click in the very bottom-left-corner of the screen to hide the island-view.  Then click the little arrow-button in the bottom-center of the display to bring-up the sprite-editor.  Click on the sprite you want to edit.  When it appears, press TAB once, then press CTRL+SHIFT+C to copy its formatting, and close the PowerPoint-pop-up.

Back on the sprite-picker, click in the bottom-left corner aGain, then on the arrow-button once more, to instantly return to the map.  Click any acre to edit it, and after pressing TAB or SHIFT+TAB to select a cell, use CTRL+SHIFT+V to paste the sprite whose formatting you copied from the Sprite-Picker.  Then close the pop-up to return to the map and repeat the ProCess.

It's a very———slow———game———, but it, is, entirely-playable!
Here, watch the video, but before you do,
Please note, this video was sped-up by 25%, due to Game Jolt's thirty-minute maximum-video-length specification.  Oh, and the jerkiness is due to the screen-recorder I use; I prefer better graphics than more frames.

Alright, here goes nothing 😱:

The interior-design DLC isn't quite available yet, but you can download the base-game here:
Posts : 941
Join date : 2017-08-17
Location : UK

powerpoint - Oh—kay: you're all probably going to under-bus me for this one, but "Animal Crossing: New Horizons" (Including Its "Happy Home Paradise"-DLC, Is Being Ported To PowerPoint… Empty Re: Oh—kay: you're all probably going to under-bus me for this one, but "Animal Crossing: New Horizons" (Including Its "Happy Home Paradise"-DLC, Is Being Ported To PowerPoint…

Sun Sep 18, 2022 4:48 pm
I watched the video. I have very little experience of 'Animal Crossings' etc which may explain why the video made little sense to me. Sorry, but I don't think I can say much more on this apart from the fact that the longer I watched the video, the more bemused I became.

Hopefully, someone who understands it and knows about the original game can put me straight.
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