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PPT Master
PPT Master
Posts : 191
Join date : 2022-03-11
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question - I have a simple question about how the Inboxing-system works on this forum. Empty I have a simple question about how the Inboxing-system works on this forum.

Mon Jan 02, 2023 7:55 am
If I send a private-message to another user, and then delete it from my Sent-Box, will it also go away from their own Inbox?  Since the capacity is only fifty messages, I like to keep things as empty as possible.
Posts : 941
Join date : 2017-08-17
Location : UK

question - I have a simple question about how the Inboxing-system works on this forum. Empty Re: I have a simple question about how the Inboxing-system works on this forum.

Mon Jan 02, 2023 9:05 am
You can test it out with me if you like Jade.

Send me a PM 'Test' message. I'll let you know that I've got it. Then you delete it and we'll see what happens.

I would imagine that it will stay in my in-box until I delete it.
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