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games - Custom Switch — A Nintendo Switch Emulator Developer-Kit For PowerPoint 2010+!  (Pre-Made Games Are Also Available On Its Site!) Empty Custom Switch — A Nintendo Switch Emulator Developer-Kit For PowerPoint 2010+! (Pre-Made Games Are Also Available On Its Site!)

Mon Jan 09, 2023 6:48 pm
games - Custom Switch — A Nintendo Switch Emulator Developer-Kit For PowerPoint 2010+!  (Pre-Made Games Are Also Available On Its Site!) Custom10
From the makers of "Custom 3DS Emulator Developer Kit™" comes:

"Custom Switch Emulator Developer Kit™"!

"What Is A (Nintendo®) Switch™?"

The "Nintendo® Switch™" is a hybrid between a home video game console and a portable handheld gaming system, released worldwide on March Third Of Twenty Seventeen.

Officially referred to by its makers — "Nintendo®" — as a "console", the device consists of a medium-small sized tablet that features a pair — "Left" and "Right" — of bluetooth-enabled, detachable "Joy-Con™" controllers, each of which may be used either individually, or in tandem with the other; in a variety of entirely remappable button configurations, and for up-to-two-player experiences, the latter which the creators officially call, "Sharing The Joy™".

Although the console only comes with two separate Joy-Con™ controllers — one left, and one right — out of the box; additional remotes can be purchased separately, up to eight of them — four left and four right — can be paired with and remembered by one tablet at any given time, and up to eight individuals — four left and four right; but only four dually gripped pairs, the latter each comprised of one left and one right — can be used on a single system in multiplayer games that support this feature.

"Okay Then, Now: What Is ‘Custom Switch™’?"

"Custom Switch Emulator Developer Kit™", by "JadeJohnson Games™", is a programmable mockup of the "Nintendo® Switch™" console, which, although not coming with any games upon its individual download, can have titles made for it via the use of Microsoft® PowerPoint™'s "Hyperlink" and "Animation Trigger" features.

"Can my "Custom Switch" games run on the real tablet?"

Not exactly; "Custom Switch" is a mockup of the console for which you can make games. To make the games playable, you can link the various events in your software-titles to the buttons and touch screen of this Nintendo®-Switch™-mockup.

However, it does support PC's with touch-displays, whether built-in, or external; so, although PowerPoint only supports single-finger-touch-input, you can, at least, use your hands to both hold, and control "Custom Switch", nearly identically to playing on a physical Nintendo®-Switch™-console! The experience becomes even more satisfyingly authentic with a Two-In-One-laptop!

In Conclusion:

We hope you enjoy developing video games for "Custom Switch™", and may the original console outlive the "Nintendo® 3DS™" before it, both in production duration, and in all of our memories!

Please enjoy, and as always, "Happy Jading!™"

Download Link:

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