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powerpoint - Mario Kart DS?  In PowerPoint!? Empty Mario Kart DS? In PowerPoint!?

Fri Jan 27, 2023 8:40 pm
I can't share any videos of the gameplay yet, because there's a glitch with the character-select screen's exit-button that locks me there until hitting Escape; and one of the menus is incomplete; but here's an early-look at a PowerPoint-port of Mario Kart DS (called "JadeOna Infinity [a parody of the Daytona 500]) on which I'm working:
powerpoint - Mario Kart DS?  In PowerPoint!? Screen33
powerpoint - Mario Kart DS?  In PowerPoint!? Screen32powerpoint - Mario Kart DS?  In PowerPoint!? Screen34powerpoint - Mario Kart DS?  In PowerPoint!? Screen36powerpoint - Mario Kart DS?  In PowerPoint!? Screen37powerpoint - Mario Kart DS?  In PowerPoint!? Screen38powerpoint - Mario Kart DS?  In PowerPoint!? Screen39powerpoint - Mario Kart DS?  In PowerPoint!? Screen40powerpoint - Mario Kart DS?  In PowerPoint!? Screen44powerpoint - Mario Kart DS?  In PowerPoint!? Screen45powerpoint - Mario Kart DS?  In PowerPoint!? Screen46powerpoint - Mario Kart DS?  In PowerPoint!? Screen47powerpoint - Mario Kart DS?  In PowerPoint!? Screen48powerpoint - Mario Kart DS?  In PowerPoint!? Screen49powerpoint - Mario Kart DS?  In PowerPoint!? Screen50powerpoint - Mario Kart DS?  In PowerPoint!? Screen51Now, of course I understand that the betting-feature works like a Geometry-proof, so it's essentially the fart-app of racing-game-functions (you'll most-likely use it once, but then never aGain), but think of how cool and fun it'll be for players with learning-disabilities: they might not always understand the outcome of a bet, and heck, you know they'll be clicking those arrows over-and-once-more, just to see all the pretty cars spin-around in full 3D!

And if for anything, hey: nothing links outside the game this time!
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powerpoint - Mario Kart DS?  In PowerPoint!? Empty Re: Mario Kart DS? In PowerPoint!?

Sun Mar 05, 2023 5:39 am
That Sheriff Austin looks like one bad banana.

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PPT Master
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powerpoint - Mario Kart DS?  In PowerPoint!? Empty Re: Mario Kart DS? In PowerPoint!?

Sun Mar 05, 2023 4:02 pm
Yeah, I know his suit-actor personally; you never, want to cross him!  Thankfully, he and I get-along just fine!
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powerpoint - Mario Kart DS?  In PowerPoint!? Empty Re: Mario Kart DS? In PowerPoint!?

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