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Hungry Ladybird, PowerPoint game for January 2023 Empty Hungry Ladybird, PowerPoint game for January 2023

Tue Jan 31, 2023 9:53 pm
Hello people from PowerPoint Creative, I have arrived here with this post to showcase the nineth PowerPoint game I have developed with my friends. We present you Hungry Ladybird, a simple little game packed with 5 levels that was released this 30th day of January, being our first game released in 2023.

Hungry Ladybird, PowerPoint game for January 2023 Cmariq10


Hungry Ladybird, PowerPoint game for January 2023 Cmariq13


Ladybirds are about to hibernate, so Nina the ladybird decides to have one last feast before joining her fellow ladybirds.


In each level, Nina will fly and land in sections. Sections are either rocks or flowers. When Nina lands in a section, small arthropods will then appear on said section, heading down until they go off-screen. Your objective is to catch the little arthropods by clicking on them, making sure they don't escape. A timer will appear in each section, which tells you how much is left to travel to the next section. If the timer reaches its limit and you didn't manage to catch all the tiny animals before their escape, it's level failed.

A few obstacle animals are introduced during the 5 levels.


The ones you have to catch:
  • Woodlice: The slowest and biggest. They only appear on rocks.
  • Aphids: The medium enemy in speed and size. They only appear on flowers.
  • Mites: The fastest and smallest. They only appear on flowers.

The ones you have to avoid:
  • Spiders: They debut in Level 2. Avoiding spiders goes like this: They climb flowers, so your mission is to hurry up with catching your food. Once you are done with the aforementioned task, you will be granted an escape button, so press it to make Nina leave the flower and save herself from the spider.
  • Dragonflies: They debut in Level 4. Two dragonflies will appear by one flower and you avoid them this way: One dragonfly flies up to catch the ladybird, so you have to click on her to dodge the dragonfly, making her move to the right of the flower. At the right of the flower, another dragonfly appears, that means you will have to click on the ladybird again to avoid this second dragonfly. You still have to catch animals while dodging dragonflies.


Nina has enjoyed her last meal and is now reunited with other ladybirds to hibernate.

Now that I'm done explaining this game, here's the link to download it: https://estudioskotsbek.github.io/juegos-en-powerpoint/mariquita-voraz/mariquitavoraz.ppsx

Any review or tip on this game will be appreciated! As for now, have a good day, afternoon or night!
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Hungry Ladybird, PowerPoint game for January 2023 Empty Re: Hungry Ladybird, PowerPoint game for January 2023

Wed Feb 01, 2023 5:14 am
I would dearly love to play one of your games through to the end. Like previous games, without a touch-screen, playing with a mouse requires more manoeuvring speed than me and my mouse can muster.  It took me 5 attempts to get past the first rock and I gave up after 3 failed attempts to get past the second rock.

I do wish you'd make some of your games a little easier for slow old codgers like me. Wink

Can I just ask... are you able to get through to this game from start to finish using a mouse? (I presume you must have done so when testing).

Apart from this, you and your friends are to be congratulated for producing games of this quality and imagination on a monthly basis.
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Posts : 33
Join date : 2022-04-26

Hungry Ladybird, PowerPoint game for January 2023 Empty Re: Hungry Ladybird, PowerPoint game for January 2023

Wed Feb 01, 2023 2:17 pm
johnr wrote:I would dearly love to play one of your games through to the end. Like previous games, without a touch-screen, playing with a mouse requires more manoeuvring speed than me and my mouse can muster.  It took me 5 attempts to get past the first rock and I gave up after 3 failed attempts to get past the second rock.

I do wish you'd make some of your games a little easier for slow old codgers like me. Wink

Can I just ask... are you able to get through to this game from start to finish using a mouse? (I presume you must have done so when testing).

Apart from this, you and your friends are to be congratulated for producing games of this quality and imagination on a monthly basis.
Thanks for your comments and congratulations, John! We will still try to make more slower games. And yes, I did manage to complete the game with my mouse, played it all to record gameplay footage for its promo video and a couple tests were done during its development.
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Hungry Ladybird, PowerPoint game for January 2023 Empty Re: Hungry Ladybird, PowerPoint game for January 2023

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