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wheel - Wheel of Fortune Without a Wheel Empty Wheel of Fortune Without a Wheel

Wed Oct 11, 2017 8:36 pm

First of all, thanks for this great game. I downloaded Wheel of Fortune, and it's the best FoW game I've found on the internet.

I want to play this game in my class with my students but we actually built a physical wheel for the game so my students will spin this wheel. Therefore, is it possible to play this game without spinning the wheel (because the letter reveal requires the spin of wheel)? I tried to look up at VBA but it's password-protected.

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wheel - Wheel of Fortune Without a Wheel Empty Re: Wheel of Fortune Without a Wheel

Wed Oct 11, 2017 10:01 pm
Awesome! I love that you've built a wheel and not really needing the digital one. However, I don't have a version that bypasses the wheel, yet . . . Stay tuned within the next couple days, I could make a no-wheel version soon where you'd just put in the spun value and continue on picking a letter.
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wheel - Wheel of Fortune Without a Wheel Empty Re: Wheel of Fortune Without a Wheel

Wed Oct 11, 2017 10:17 pm
Hey mrwaco,

My version of Wheel of Fortune for PowerPoint doesn't require you to use the wheel if you want to give that a try. Here's the link to the project.

I won't blame you if you stick with rusnakcreative's version though. It does has several redeeming qualities.
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