Current date/time is Sat Apr 27, 2024 4:54 am

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In order to ensure the moderation of this forum, any message violating the preceding provisions may be edited or deleted without notice by the moderators and administrators of the forum. Any abuse may also be sanctioned by banning or deleting the user account. We reserve the right to inform your access provider and/or the judicial authorities of any malicious behaviour.

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- You acknowledge that you have read these rules in their entirety ;
- You agree to comply fully with this rules ;
- You grant moderators of this forum the right to delete, move or edit any topic at any time.

PowerPoint Creative Rules

In addition to the rules above, please read through the following PPC Rules and Guidelines FAQs

Posting Guidelines and FAQ

I’m new! What can I do here?
You can introduce yourself in the Welcome Wagon, check out and comment on other creator's works in the forum, join in the fun with some forum games, or chat with other creators like yourself. We do hope that you'll be able to stay and share your work with us!

What can't I do here?
Not much. All we expect is that you don't go beyond the realms of normal decency and respectfulness. PPC is not a forum for discussing controversial topics such as religion or politics. Any posts that are no creative in nature are not welcomed here and would be subject to administrative action. Disrespectful posts are not tolerated here. PPC strives to maintain a positive and creative environment.

Do I need to be an expert in PowerPoint?
No, you don’t! This forum has members of all different skill levels, from casual PowerPoint user to expert. PPC encourages everyone to grow and expand their skills with PowerPoint. Learn from tutorials, or the other members. You will be surprised on what you can learn or what will inspire you!

Why can’t I send a Private Message?
Private Messaging function will be turned on once you have reached the status of Aspiring PPT Creator. (After making 5 posts or replies in the forum.)

What is Reputation?
Reputation is a visual of how well received your posting habits are with the rest of the forum. Everyone starts off with a reputation of 3. Forum members (who have 5 or more posts) can Like or Dislike any of your posts or replies. Your reputation will be increased by 1 for every Like (Green Thumbs Up) or decreased by 1 for a Dislike (Red Thumbs Down.)

What posts should I Like?
Any post or reply that has greatly contributed to our community. Example posts or replies such as (but not limited to:) a very helpful tutorial, answer to a tough question, content that has inspired you to create something new. PPC encourages you to be thoughtful of what you post.

What posts should I Dislike?
Any post or reply that disrupts the community. Example posts or replies such as (but not limited to:) Short Pointless Annoying Messages (SPAM) posts, topics of an offensive nature or any comments that show disrespect to anyone.

User-created content

PPC is not responsible for user-created content. This forum can and will remove any content it sees fit if it causes any issues with the forum or its users. Download user-created content at your own risk. If you upload any content that might cause objection, please be courteous and add a warning or disclaimer within your post.


A challenge is where an activity has been posted, that should be challenging yet possible to accomplish. Within the rules and guidelines posted in the challenge, can you accomplish the objective? Challenges are meant to be a fun way to put your PowerPoint skills to the test and further push the limits of PowerPoint.

The most important rule of all

Have fun! I know that sounds like a no-brainer, but seriously, do it! If you're not having fun sharing your games or checking out other's work, then you're not doing it right. We want to make sure that all our members are enjoying their time here, being creative is FUN!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please post them in the PPC Feedback forum. Thanks again for joining PPC and we'll see you in the forum!