PowerPoint Creative
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PowerPoint Creative
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Kang Wen
Kang Wen
Aspiring PPT Creator
Aspiring PPT Creator
Posts : 5
Join date : 2022-07-10

game - Hidden Expression Game Empty Hidden Expression Game

Tue Jul 12, 2022 9:10 am
Here's a link to a hidden expression game, based on the TV show Wheel of Fortune (U.S.). The game is intended as a teacher-led activity in the classroom and there is a lot of VBA coding in it. However, the teacher does not have to look at the coding or do any. It still boggles my mind how I even created it. 


Because I never had the opportunity for other teachers to use this or other creations, any comments would be welcome. This and my other presentations were created for my own use in the classroom. I use them sparingly and simply consider them tools that can be selected from many resources, depending on the need.

Creating a new hidden expression, e.g. a proverb or saying:

  1. The teacher enters up to 5 lines of text into input prompt boxes. (This is super quick.)
  2. The program automatically parses the text and places it into hidden boxes behind the gameboard. (Again, very quick)
  3. The teacher can enter a general topic clue.
  4. Additional hidden expressions are created the same way.
  5. A menu slide generates buttons with hidden expression topics and links to the appropriate slide.

Here's a link to a 1-minute video of how easy it is to create new content: Hidden Expression Video - YouTube

That's it. Play the game.

The teacher does not have to go through any tedious process of unhiding boxes to enter text which is the case for many PowerPoint games. Other than keeping score, everything is automated.

I've unlocked the VBA code so it can be modified. Again, I'd appreciate your not sharing the code or presentation with others not on this site; however, feel free to use if yourself without limitations in the classroom.

I haven't done a search for a while on YouTube for PowerPoint VBA videos; however, here's one from a UK site called The Tech Train, which I previously visited:

Generate Random Words In PowerPoint From Text File - YouTube

I think that the creator, Justin, has done some really neat stuff. He's far more capable than I am with VBA coding. I highly recommend checking out some of his stuff.

Last edited by Kang Wen on Thu Jul 14, 2022 12:52 am; edited 1 time in total
Kang Wen
Kang Wen
Aspiring PPT Creator
Aspiring PPT Creator
Posts : 5
Join date : 2022-07-10

game - Hidden Expression Game Empty Re: Hidden Expression Game

Tue Jul 12, 2022 9:23 am
For those who are not familiar with VBA, I forgot to mention that when first opening a PowerPoint with VBA in it, a security warning may pop up about allowing content to be run. That's because of the possibility of malicious coding. My PowerPoints do not have any malicious coding, so content should be allowed to run. In fact, files with VBA coding often may not be allowed as attachments in email, which is why I placed the file, along with sound effects files, into a compressed zip file.
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