PowerPoint Creative
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game - Piecing-Together 3D-Models To Make The Start To An Open World Game-Map - Animation Empty Piecing-Together 3D-Models To Make The Start To An Open World Game-Map - Animation

Tue Jan 24, 2023 5:43 pm
game - Piecing-Together 3D-Models To Make The Start To An Open World Game-Map - Animation Openwo10
ProJect Title:
Open World Test

ProJect Type:

ProJect Description:
I'm surprised no-one's made an open-world game in PowerPoint yet!

Now that I've finally mastered how the 3D camera-settings work in PowerPoint (although I'll still need some more practice before making an official tutorial), I've decided that the hardcore PowerPoint gaming-community's waited long enough for someone to try and make a full-3D, open-world game-map to explore. 

Although it isn't much, (only a total of nine map-cells), I really wanted to showcase that it is, in-fact, possible to make up to 101×101-cell, full-3D maps using nothing but PowerPoint, and a whole bunch of manually-inserted, -resized, and -repositioned 3D models!

You can watch the thirty-four-second video here:

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