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Poster design, again..? Empty Poster design, again..?

Wed Jun 07, 2023 9:04 am
Poster design, again..? 1686145215694

Hello again fellow powerpointers, been a while since the last time I posted here. When was that again?

Anyways, my life's been hectic for the past few weeks. But the storm has finally subsided and the calm this week has allowed... me... to make this thing within 2 hours. (originally posted here, w/ little snippets of how I made it)

Fonts I used here is times new roman (what do you know! a classic!), helvetica, and segoe. The paint splatters and trumpet, I got them from dafont.com. Also, this is something I just noticed from my previous poster thread (LT MEAGER TOO), but I think I've got a chronic addiction to monochromatic color palette... And I think, an allergy towards colorful color palette. Gotta be honest sirs and lads, I'm not actually good at combining colors, oof.

That aside, I've been taking lots of inspiration from posters that instagram's algorithm has brought me, even got myself a bookmark section specifically for poster designs I find interesting, something like my personal pinterest (closest analogy I could think of). Might curate them and share some here if there are enough demands.

Last edited by !C8Hypela/M!!fN+hj5w on Wed Jun 07, 2023 9:06 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : LT MEAGER IS ALSO MONOCHROMATIC, IT ACTUALLY GOES WAY BACK)
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Poster design, again..? Empty Re: Poster design, again..?

Wed Jun 07, 2023 9:17 am
Also also, with the addition of the button thing here. I might or might not get an inspiration to turn this into a game of some sort. Will post proof-of-concept /prototype if I ever manage to finish one.

+edit: because,
interactivity = playability
If you can interact with it, you can game it. Has to be! heheh

Last edited by !C8Hypela/M!!fN+hj5w on Wed Jun 07, 2023 9:22 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : note added)

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Poster design, again..? Empty Re: Poster design, again..?

Wed Jun 14, 2023 4:41 am
Poster design, again..? 1686734645632

Made another one this week! I wonder if I could keep this up semi-weekly or something.

The display text in the center uses Kontanter and Neoland Script fonts, all the rest of the texts uses Helvetica. I guess they were right, Helvetica truly is a timeless typeface. The flower image comes from pexels.com, while the small stuff is recreated from many posters I saw and took inspiration from.

I think next week I would like to try something with just a few colors and play more with the space, instead of just spam filling the entire canvas with many little stuff (which is what happened with these two). And it seems that forcing myself to put out something on a deadline gets my head into the thinking gear, which is really fun honestly! Still dont know if I'll be able to get something out next week, but for now, I have something to look forward to.

Oh btw, im posting this on my phone, my laptop died and I just had enough time to put this final version of the poster into my phone through a private social media account.

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