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Join date : 2018-12-06
Location : Poland

games - Mini Games - the series Empty Mini Games - the series

Thu May 06, 2021 2:23 am
Over time I have written some simple clicking and platform type of games which I call "Mini Games". There are 7 of them (MiniGame5 is missing). They appeared at different moments in time throughout the Forum so I have put them in order in one place in one post.

MiniGame1 - The Spinner
MiniGame2 - The Maze
MiniGame3 - The Maze2
MiniGame4 - The Stepping Stones
MiniGame6 - The Discs
MiniGame7 - The Downlift
MiniGame8 - OXO

MiniGame5 is a project I never completed.
My favourite are the last three games
The games don't work online so if interested to try out any of them please download the .ppsx file to your computer first.
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